Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Character and Strength

I always wondered, what makes few characters strong and others not ?
And after a lot of analysis, primarily of people I met or (believe to) know through different media, I am ready to submit a partial theory to begin with :-
There can't be any Character without Strength.
To discuss this any further we need to define both "Character" and 'Strength" a bit more :-
A set of principles or guidelines, not necessarily positive, a person can be trusted to stick too, come what may. So broadly this divides humans in to two major sphere's few whose response to certain situations can be predicted and others who vary their response based on consideration or vested interest (namely hypocrites). This somehow is what the entire selection into defense is based upon. Their whole probing/grilling (hope you have faced SSB sometimes) is to find out candidates who will follow orders/training learnings irrespective of petty calculations.
A driving force allowing individual to propagate and take decisions/stances. Now strength in itself can be of many kinds both internal or external. Somebody can be stinky rich and thus can easily afford to let profit making opportunity go for his/her believes/convictions, or a sheer hardworker never shy of putting extra hours without worrying for outcome as such. But all kind of strengths require some degree of will power and vision as platform to lay their foundations to. Examples can be Mahatama Gandhi, Sachin Tendulkar to Adolf Hitler or Great Alexander.

Its obviously too complex a topic to be covered under one blog and too open to be concluded at all but roughly I would never risk trusting some one for good or bad till am not sure of his/her strength which can be mental,physical,financial anything.
So, there can't be any character without strength !

Creative Disturbance

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